Busy Doing Nothing - Childwelfare Team
Having joined the Cubs coaching team I'm remembering so much that I'd forgotten such as no matter how many times you ask a child of this age to do something they sometimes just smile at you and do whatever they want 🤣 and there's no good barking at children as you'll only frighten them and there's no fun in that so I've got to laugh and be more patient and try something different 🤔 Being a member of the Childwelfare Team highlights so many things to me but were very lucky as we have very little to deal with and most issues are minor squabbles. The Childwelfare team consists of Sue Skerry Nadine Melling Karen Smith & myself these ladies are so pro-active they share vital information with parents and work hard using preventative education rather than dealing with something after the event has happened. We're all attending the RFL Childwelfare Conference at St Helens Rugby League Club on Sunday 16th January 2022 this enables us to share and receive information and experiences without the disclosure of any personal data. We have also created a specific Childwelfare section on the club's website with guidance and information that will support those who may require it such as child support agencies details and contact numbers also highlighting "early signs" for parents and to my knowledge were the only amateur club to have this facility. We also have a Childwelfare "drop box" and cards in the clubhouse near the café next to the Childwelfare information board for those of you who may have a personal issue you want to highlighted but feel you don't have the confidence to approach a member of our team. At this point I want to reassure everyone that if you do approach any member of the team they will listen and approach everything in a professional manner and treat everything in the strictest confidence under the data protection act.
We do have a grievance policy which should be followed and it is as follows.
1. Approach the team head coach explaining the problem. 2. The team head coach shall try to resolve the problem. 3. Failure to resolve the problem will activate the club's head coach informing the Childwelfare Team. 4. The Childwelfare Team will then enact a full investigation.
"If you speak we will listen"
Please have faith that our primary concern is our children as they are our future and our past it's our children who bring us immense joy and yes sometimes a little bit of heart ache but their worth every second we spend with them.
Regards Billy Vaughan Vice Chairman The Captain. 💚💛