💚💛Covid-19 Update💚💛
As part of our Covid-19 Review and Response plan, the club have received further guidance from the RFL and St Helens council this week.
Within the attached documents, you will see that the RFL intend to permit matches starting from 17/18th October with a series of new regulations. This remains under regular review.
To maximise the training time between now and then, having consulted with Senior Committee members and our Covid-19 lead volunteer, the club will allow for contact to be reintroduced week commencing 28th September. The rationale being after such a long period of time without and then being thrust into a competitive game, the risk of significant injury is high. This of course is balanced with the concerns of the ongoing pandemic. So whilst we accept it’s a difficult decision, as ever, we will respect your wishes as players, parents and guardians in your decision to attend training or play in the matches.
Further information will be provided to each age group by the coaches as soon as we receive it so the players will know what to expect at each session.
Yesterday, we have received match day Covid-19 first aid guidelines and track and trace protocols that we are digesting over the weekend and will update you accordingly.
Training - as per the direction from St Helens council, only one adult will be permitted at the pitches per child. There are no other changes that haven’t already been widely communicated and all contained within our risk assessment (available if requested).
Although St Helens council advise children being dropped off and then picked up, due to the fact our members can easily social distance, compliance has been excellent, they are on hand to support our coaches with child welfare and with all other mitigation in place, we will not be enforcing this guidance.
For the reasons highlighted above, we will not be directing the wearing of face masks but respect the individuals decision if they would prefer to wear one when spectating.
As ever, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We might not have the answer straight away but we will find it out and get back to you.
Stay safe 💚💛