***An important message from our Events Manager, Tracey Leung-Fullerton***
A week yesterday (it has taken us this long to recover and collect our thoughts!), we held our one year celebrations of our new clubhouse on Scholes Lane.
What an incredible day it was!! We ordered sunshine, it delivered!! We wanted a family day full of rugby and fun and our brief was well and truly met!
The day was fantastic, we have had some wonderful feedback about the day, it couldn't have gone any better.
Some thank you's we must share:
Official Silcocks Fun Fairs - for the brilliant fair! Fantastic service from start to finish.
Fat Mal's Food Truck - for feeding the crowd!
Steve's Ices - the best ice cream man in town!
North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust - for attending and showing the children around the ambulance.
Merseyside Police for bike marking and being part of our day.
Saints Community Development Foundation- for helping with pre match warm ups and teaching some basic skills.
Kingsyze Graffiti People Empowered CIC Stop Loan Sharks England - for a fantastic workshop to create a mural wall.
Mayor of St Helens Borough, Lynn Clarke for coming along to present our U10s Memorial Match shield against Blackbrook Royals JRFLC.
East Liverpool RDA for bringing Buttons the Shetland Pony!
The Dog Lady - Secure Dog Field & Enrichment Park - Rainhill - for sponsoring and judging our Portico Pups Dog Show ! Thank you for making this happen!
Trafford Veterans CIC for attending with their tombola.
Electrio Arts for their fabulous stilt walkers and fire performance!
LS Party Pieces for bringing a very realistic Dino and bouncy castle.
Our stall holders who attended and donated raffle prizes too:
Forget me not crafts by Bethany Alice
Holistically We
Crystals Cove
The Salina's Family
Magical Melts
717 Therapies
Amazing Aromas and Accessories
Crafted Memories
Fabienne Delahaye Usborne Books
Skin Tropic by Nickie
HomeTown Duo for providing the evening entertainment and fulfilling our special request for a rendition of 'Sweet Portico' !
And last but by no means least, our loyal and dedicated volunteers who spent many unseen hours preparing for this event, and supporting us on the day. We would not have the club that we do without them, their families and our players 💚💛💚💛👏🏼