It was a real pleasure to accept an invitation from Merseyside Police to represent our club as they launched a Preventative Policing Strand today.
This strategic priority will see the Police put ‘Prevention’ at the core of Community Policing and build collaboratively on our own ethos of, Working With The Community, For The Community.
To be asked to represent our borough at such an event highlights the fantastic dedication of our volunteers who have recently launched our own Community Hub at Portico Vine.
We are dedicated to providing as many life enhancing opportunities to our young people, broaden their horizons, improve self confidence and develop community spirit through teamwork and camaraderie in a safe environment - both on and off the pitch.
I spoke with the Chief Constable, Serena Kennedy, the Director of Communities for St Helens Council, Tanya Wilcox and Local Policing Inspector Stacey Pope about how the next twelve months will see the club work even closer to key partners and key stakeholders in our community offering support on many aspects of life. I included detail about several projects ongoing at the club, albeit in the foundation stages, but they will each result in positive influences and positive outcomes for our community.
Today was proof of how a community rugby club can influence much bigger things in society, particularly in our town.
One Team, One Dream 💚💛
Mark Hobin
Club Chairman