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💚💛💚💛At Last💚💛💚💛

17 months ago, almost to the day, we applied for a new lease to secure the long term future of the club and improve our terms and conditions.

Hundreds of hours have been spent on phones, sending emails back and forth to several council departments and scrutinising the literature. We have overcome tremendous obstacles (not just due to COVID-19) which are best left undisclosed. However, the club signed Head of Terms in December 2019!!!!

Finally with the support of councillor Teresa Sims and Terry Bates within the sports management team at the council, we are there!!!

Huge huge thanks to members of the senior committee⁩ for all your help, patience, professionalism and stamina with this!!

Today we have the secured the future for this and the next generation with a 25 year lease signed 💚💛


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